Health Populi’s Hot Points:  This morning, I had the honor of participating as a judge in Microsoft’s annual Health Innovation Forum. Dr. Judd Hollander of Thomas Jefferson University Health System shared his experience launching JeffConnect, which is the organization’s telehealth platform. The program provides a full continuum of healthcare access to patients both within and outside of the TJU network. “A little sick” patients can access care at the 6 o’clock point of the diagram, all the way across the patient spectrum to post-discharge and remote monitoring at home.

Dr. Hollander provided hard evidence for consumers’ embrace of telehealth based on his experience with both clinicians and patients who are using JeffConnect. My favorite of his many quotable insights was the following:

“When a patient is doing a telemedicine call for 10 minutes with a patient, she’s not hell-bent to get antibiotics. But if she waits four hours in the ER and doesn’t get antibiotics, she’ll have something to say about it.”

Thus, virtual health can drive efficiency, right-sized healthcare, and greater patient satisfaction. These are key ingredients into migrating to the Quadruple Aim.